Friday, 13 November 2015

(Research) Assignment 6 - Madness & Paranoia - Individual Research #2 - 'The Shining'

I watched the trailer/clips for 'The Shining'.

       From the trailer and clips, I learnt that:
  • the story conveys a connotation of murder, insanity and gore - shown by the engulfment of blood into the room.
  • In the trailer, not a lot is shown but a lot is suggested - done to portray a narrative enigma and tension.
  • The antagonist (in the clip), suggests that he is reckless, brave and even sadistic.

Suggestive that the narrative revolves around murder, insanity and emphasizes the horror 
Suggestive of a sadistic mannerism - conveyed with humor and sarcasm.
portrays the fear of the protagonist - could emphasize the vulnerability/stereotype of women seen in society.
close-up shot portrays the combination of the antagonists characteristics: madness, sadism and recklessness. Makes the fear of the victim more significant - reinforces the theme of psychological horror. 

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