Thursday, 21 April 2016

Changes in Film Production

We had to change the plot in Draft 3, due to certain circumstances. These were that one person had discontinued the subject and one person was ill. Therefore, the remaining person had to change the plot and story and continue to film what they could. This made us have a new direction we were going for. 

Friday, 15 April 2016

(reflection) Feedback from Draft 3:

Things that I received from audience feedback:

- The Spine we found was brilliant to foreshadow that something was wrong.
- The script was very natural and talkative between both actors. However, would like it if it was a bit more 'teenage like' and a bit more mischievous.
- The birds also signified that something was wrong which is good.
- The battery Foley effect was good too.

- The actors head was cut out of most scenes... would like it if the shots were more focused on his face than the ground.

- Make the camera focused on everything... perhaps not use a DSLR camera.....

- Location is great for this type of genre.

- Many different shots need to be used. like pans and close ups. this gets more of a feel of the genre and different specific things.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

(Planning) Assignment 40: Distribution Company Choice

Lionsgate Films (est. 1962)

Lionsgate & Twisted Pictures - iNTRO|Logo: Variant (2010) | HD 1080p

Lionsgate, a Canadian-American film production/distribution studio, will be our finalized distribution company for several reasons. 

The first is that this particular has gained a name for the popular Saw films. This is helpful, as those films are a similar idea in which we will utilize in our film. This means that the OTS will be under a distribution company which has a reputation for horror films of these nature. 
Moreover, Lionsgate is a global distribution company which will help appeal to the widest audience possible and help the film become mainstream and exhibit to a mainstream audience. Also, as the theme/gore of our OTS is inspired by the Saw franchise, this will help us to inherit their audience - suggesting the audience will appreciate a film with a similar concept.

(Research) Assignment 39: Institution Research


(Research) Assignment 38: Foley research

(Research) Assignment 37: Music Research


(Planning) Assignment 36: Target Audience